The first image is for a project in progress on the progression of a pathology. This is an initial sketch of a tissue landscape, in this case pancreatic tissue.
The first 3 images were done for an assignment as a sample neuroanatomy textbook page, in this instance showing the anatomy of some vasculature in the brain. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. April 2016.
An assignment on redesigning an emergency handbook. I managed to find a book from 1959 on how to deal with nuclear bomb attacks in Canada. Very eye-opening stuff. Adobe Illustrator. 2016
Figure created for a scientific article in Adobe Illustrator.
Sample textbook page meant for undergraduate students or medical students. Carbon dust and Adobe Illustrator.
Sample textbook page for my Evolution of Medical Illustration page. Carbon pencil on coquille board for the skulls, pencil crayons on mylar paper for the muscles, and assembled in Adobe Illustrator.
Figure created for a scientific figure. Done in Adobe Illustrator.
MsBMC Assignments

MsBMC Assignments

Some of the assignments I created as part of course requirements in my first semester in the Biomedical Communications program.
